Hometown Happenings

Hot Hometowns 02/10/2025

Shop for Paige Nohr at Main Street Treasures, Wednesday, February 12th, from 10am to 6pm. Shop for Paige, daughter of Janna and Mike Hutchmier. Paige was recently diagnosed with undifferentiated round cell sarcoma cancer, and the proceeds of this shopping day will be given to the Hutchmier family to help with travel, lodging, medical, and other expenses related to Paige’s chemotherapy and radiation treatment and recovery. Main Street Treasures is located at 111 W Main Street in Crofton.

The Senior Center’s annual Thursday night Sweetheart Meal is February 13th. Please call 402-388-2365 now to reserve your meal, and please reserve your meal before the end of the day on Wednesday, February 12th. The meal will be served at 5:30 with social time starting at 5:15. Look forward to a wonderful evening!

Birthday Bingo at the senior center is Wednesday, February 19th, at 1pm. This month’s bingo is sponsored by Chuck & Rhonda Tramp, and the cake is sponsored by Farmers & Merchants State Bank.

Sons of the American Legion Partner Euchre Tournament, Sunday, February 23rd, at noon at Sports Stop.

Good luck to Crofton-Bloomfield wrestlers, Annabelle Poppe, Rylie Arens, Elizabeth DeRoos, Bethany Arens, and Lorelei Duffy at State Wrestling!

Meals at the Senior Citizens Center are served Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon and Thursday at 5:00pm. Please call the senior center at 402-388-2365 at least 2 hours in advance to be signed up for a meal. Dine in, to-go, and delivery meals are available. Coffee and Conversation is every Monday starting at 8:30am. Bingo is played on Mondays and Fridays from 1 to 3pm, and Exercise Classes are held on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30pm and Fridays from 10:30 to 11:30am.

The Crofton Community Sign would love to announce your special messages such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, thank you, and congratulatory messages. Please contact Erin Dennis at 605-760-4470 to get information on how to get messages for your loved ones on the community sign. Personal messages are $5/day plus tax. This money goes to Main Street Treasures to pay for electricity and maintenance at the sign.

Visit Crofton Community School’s events calendar at croftonschools.org for information about upcoming school events.

Crofton Community Club meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm. Join us! Meetings are held at various locations throughout the community. February’s meeting is the 17th at the Haymarket. Enjoy brownies and ice cream and kick of 2025 with great company!

Main Street Treasures is a non-profit thrift store operated by volunteers. The store sells clothing, housewares, small furniture, small appliances, lawn & garden items, toys, baby stuff, hunting accessories, and other items. Proceeds benefit the Crofton area. The store is open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 10am to 6pm, and Saturdays 10am to 3pm.

Crofton Community Club members: If you have an update or information to send to the public, please email us at croftoncommunityclub@gmail.com or message us on Facebook, and we will try to share your information. Continue to watch our social media pages and website at www.crofton-nebraska.com for more information.

Crofton Community Club Bucks make GREAT gifts for teachers, pastors, employees, grown children, & friends! They can be redeemed at any of our member locations, keeping dollars right here in our community. A full list of members is available on our website www.crofton-nebraska.com. Please call ahead to order: Larry Cooper at Farmers & Merchants State Bank. 402-388-4344. These “Bucks” work just like a check and cannot be redeemed for cash, so it is best to order in small increments of $10-$20

The Crofton Community Club is always looking for individuals and businesses to strive for the future of Crofton. Dues are reasonable and help support activities in and around the Crofton area. Visit our website or like us on Facebook and print off a new member form, or ask a current member for information. We would love to add you or your business to our list of members in 2025!

Watch our community calendar on www.crofton-nebraska.com for information about things happening in Crofton. 

© Crofton Community Club